General Membership Meeting
June 22 | 10 am
Lincoln Community Room
1600 Windhoek Drive | Lincoln, NE
Tribal Members are invited to attend the first General Membership meeting of 2024. Tribal Council will be in person at the Lincoln office where lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP by June 17 if you plan to attend in person or online.
As a reminder, you must be logged in to the members’ side of the Ponca Tribe website, poncatribe-ne.gov, to access the General Membership meeting online. Please make sure that you have a working login prior to the day of the meeting.
Questions submitted by June 17 will be addressed first. To RSVP or to submit a question, please contact Candace Repenning at [email protected] or at 402.857.3391 ext. 5009.