District 3 Membership Meeting – September
September 14 | 3-5 pm
1600 Windhoek Drive | Lincoln, NE
Lifesize available for those wishing to attend virtually
1600 Windhoek Drive | Lincoln, NE
Lifesize available for those wishing to attend virtually
District 3 Ponca Tribe members are invited to join District 3 Tribal Council Representatives Susie Baker and Shanna Carpenter for a District 3 Membership Meeting at the new Ponca Tribe of Nebraska offices in Lincoln. This meeting will be a time to share your ideas, comments, and concerns with your District 3 Tribal Council Representatives, and collaborate with other District 3 members. Members from both within and outside the Service Delivery area are invited. Monthly member potluck will follow the meeting.
Tribal members wishing to participate virtually must contact Shanna Carpenter at 402.805.0883 or shannac@poncatribe.gov.